Pärnu mnt 105, 11312 Tallinn, Estonia

Driving Customer Communications with Data

DigitalMara developed a powerful graphical interface to improve the way sales reps convert website visitors into customers.

About the client

The company is based in the USA and operates in the telecommunications industry.

The sales model of our client relies heavily on their website. Upon initial examination, we noticed that it failed to efficiently convert visitors into buying customers due to the lack of a personal touch. The client was looking to bolster their online platform with human sales agents in order to fill this gap.

We developed a graphic interface that goes beyond chat as merely a technical tool. It also furnishes sales reps with specific data, allowing them to make informed decisions when handling every visitor to the website. The client’s sales team is now armed with a carefully preserved history of all communications, predesigned sales scripts at hand, automated forms, and integration with popular social platforms.

We also made sure that the interface can be configured accordingly anytime the client decides to revise their priorities and set new goals.



The client is a company based in the USA, which made acclimating to their schedule a major challenge. We assigned a dedicated team that specifically modified its working hours, and they managed uninterrupted collaboration with the client’s team operating in another hemisphere.

Staying in constant contact with a client is vital when you apply the Scrum model, which we usually do — and this project was no exception. Our development crew would implement its key practices, such as involving the client with daily stand-ups and weekly reporting.

The dedicated team grew as it proceeded with the assignment. By the end of the project, it included ten engineers who knew the solution inside out.

Key features

  • Chat as a communication tool between sales agents and customers
  • Chat history that can be analyzed to improve the selling process
  • Sales scripts save agents’ time on finding the most suitable communication tactics
  • Automation with XForms reduces repetitive tasks for sales agents
  • Post-chat surveys provide valuable insights into the customer experience
  • Follow-up chats allow sales reps to complete more conversions
  • Async chats (SMS, Twitter, FB, ABC) enable cross-channel sales
  • Customizability allows the client to adjust the solution to their current needs
Key features


  • The overall efficiency of the sales agents’ work increased.
  • Website visitors who return feeling uncertain or hesitant are now handled based on their previous experience to ensure conversion.
  • The company now has access to comprehensive information on both customer experience and sales reps’ operations to better analyze outcomes, spot bottlenecks, and improve the entire sales funnel.

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