Pärnu mnt 105, 11312 Tallinn, Estonia

Restaurant Bookkeeping Solution

The DigitalMara team has developed an extensive project for restaurants that helps accountants keep track of resources in real-time and allows wait staff to serve guests and accept payments from them using mobile devices and terminals.


About the client

Big IT vendor for HoReCa domain

HoReCa (the Hotel-Retail-Café industry) is one of the most complex fields of business. It combines logistics from different suppliers, complicated accounting of goods, and the work of a diverse staff, and in the end it’s all about making the best impression and delivering the best client experience. The DigitalMara team has developed an extensive project for restaurants that helps accountants keep track of resources in real-time and allows wait staff to serve guests and accept payments from them using mobile devices and terminals.



Infrastructure: 4 professionals – one solution.

The fully realized solution simplifies the work of 4 groups of professionals in the restaurant business:

1) Restaurant administrators

2) Wait staff

3) Accountants and chefs

4) Owner

The solution consists of two main modules.

Module 1 (back office) helps kitchen staff and accountants keep track of products in stock, to control the supply process, and to keep all accounts in order. The system also makes it possible to keep flow charts that can calculate the cost of each meal.

Module 2 organizes all front-of-house operations in the restaurant. An administrator or host/hostess can manage table bookings, track occupancy of tables, and efficiently distribute work among the wait staff. The most complex part of developing this solution was the part used by wait staff: the system now allows each waiter/waitress to use a mobile device to take orders. The system allows not only choosing a dish from the restaurant’s menu but also inserting modifications, such as notes to the kitchen staff to omit something the guest is allergic to. After the order is created, the kitchen receives it immediately and can begin preparing the dish. All orders are available on the terminals, and when guests finish their meal, a bill is generated. All transactions are immediately displayed in Module 1 for bookkeeping.

The modules can be used separately. If the restaurant network uses its own accounting system, thanks to its architecture, Module 2 can easily be integrated with it.



The client distributes this solution among restaurants in Europe, and now more than 120 restaurants and restaurant networks are happily using it in their work.

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