Pärnu mnt 105, 11312 Tallinn, Estonia

Upgrading a Sales Team Supervision System

DigitalMara upgraded an old-fashioned web application for supervising online sales activities.

About the client

The company is based in the USA and operates in the telecommunications industry.

The client realized the web application they were using to supervise their digital sales team needed serious revision. The technology stack it was originally built upon no longer met the requirements or demands of the business.

As the client’s infrastructure evolved, the number of associated applications increased. Sales agents had to log into each of them individually in order to access a variety of tools. This not only sucked up their time, but it also complicated the supervisors’ job of keeping everyone and everything on track.

We solved this problem by implementing SSO authentication and sessions. System users can step into the entire application infrastructure by simply entering their credentials one time only. Now, whenever an agent is logged in, they have full access to the features provided within every application.

Additionally, we introduced a customizable statistics view for supervisors, enabling them to dig deeper into each case by browsing chat history and async chats where conversations are presented as they occurred in real time.

The client can configure several scenarios when a supervisor’s attention is needed. When one of these scenarios occurs, the supervising team is alerted with highlights in statistics. For example, if a particular sales agent is experiencing issues using chat, another agent or manager can assist them through an internal communication channel.



Our team began by analyzing the existing supervision system and assessing the business challenges it was failing to address. The client assigned an in-house product owner to work closely with our crew of six engineers directed by a product manager. This helped us quickly grasp the upgrade concept, and we were able to dive right in.

Throughout the project, we utilized key Scrum practices, such as daily standup meetings and regular weekly reports, keeping in touch with the client’s product owner. Doing so allowed us to realistically fill in any gaps between the team’s vision and that of the client early enough to adjust as needed.

Key features

  • Authentication through SSO allowing agents to access all apps within the infrastructure by a single login
  • Customizable statistics view providing supervisors with a full picture of sales activities
  • Chat history to keep track of each agent’s communications with customers
  • Conversation view for supervisors to analyze the most and least effective communications
  • Data filters helping supervisors concentrate on the most relevant metrics
  • Agent assistance on chat usage enabled by connecting to a more experienced colleague when necessary
  • Alerting on statistics for supervisors to take action
Key features


  • Supervisors see when each sales agent has logged onto the platform and all of its applications at once.
  • The supervisory team can analyze sales activity down to granular details of customer communication. This allows managers to improve the model on a fundamental level, as well as each of its aspects independently.
  • Statistical anomalies and anticipated statistical issues become visible to supervisors before they begin to inflict losses in revenue and cause other potential problems.

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